Tamesis hosting the N18 Spring Challenge
Sunday 31st March 2019
Tamesis Club welcomes all N18-ers (including visitors) for this new event aimed at getting boats out on the water for the beginning of the summer season J Three races are scheduled, starting at 1125 followed by a lunch break then two afternoon races. Prizegiving with tea (open to all) Entry Fee for visitors £10. N18 owners who cannot sail may offer boats on loan. Anyone available to crew, or take a loan boat, please advise. Notice of Race to follow shortly.
Advance indications of intention to enter will be very helpful – please ask for an entry form. Entries will formally close 30 minutes before the first race.
Please contact either Alan Green oceanus.gm@gmail.com 0777 34 28 260
Or Garrie Mallen (Tamesis N18 Class Captain) garriemallen@gmail.com
For further details see the flyer below..