The Calendar display includes  both UK and Irish holidays and a selection of other relevant calendars to assist with broader planning.

You can toggle the various calendars on/off by using the list button to the right of AGENDA at top right.

If you don’t see the calendar view below, then this maybe be caused by your browser’s privacy settings. Please check and allow Google and/or 3rd party cookies.

Please click on any given diary entry to display further details, links etc where available.

Please bear in mind that this information is for general guidance only and you should seek to verify specific dates & details with appropriate organisers.

If you would like to subscribe to our calendar so that you can view in your own Google, Apple or Outlook, smartphone Calendars etc, then please use the following links:


If you are having any issues e.g viewing the calendars or subscribing to them, then please feel free to email:
and we will endeavour to help resolve your issues.